Night sweats

What is night sweats?

Night sweats refer to excessive sweating during sleep. They involve drenching sweats that may soak your sleepwear and sheets, and result in having to change clothes during the night.

Some key things to know about night sweats:

What Causes Night Sweats?

Common causes of night sweats include:

Managing Night Sweats:

If you're experiencing frequent or severe night sweats, it's important to see your doctor to pinpoint the cause. Getting an accurate diagnosis is key to finding the right treatment.

Some tips to manage night sweats in the meantime:

The experts at HormoneHealth Clinic specialize in getting to the root cause of night sweats through cutting-edge lab testing and personalized bioidentical hormone therapy. Their integrative treatments help regulate temperature, reduce sweating, and improve sleep for good.

Take control of night sweats, schedule consultation now!

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