Low libido

What is low libido?

Low libido refers to decreased sex drive. Loss of libido is more common in women, and can have drastic effect on one's wellbeing as it often leads to issues in relationship. Low libido means lack of desire or interest to engage in any sexual activity with the partner.

Some causes of low libido include:

There are some signs to identify low libido:

Seeking help is important to manage low libido. Besides medicines, counselling and lifestyle changes, there are newer technologies like shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy can promote better blood flow into the genital region which can "lead to improved arousal, stimulate more nerves and heighten pleasure potential". A clinic like HormoneHealth Clinic specializes in shockwave therapy for increased desire and satisfaction with no side effects. I have heard some amazing reviews from their patients! They provide customized approaches based on your assessment.

HormoneHealth Clinic helped resolve my issues effectively. I feel confident and satisfied with my partner after many years!

So if you face persistent lack of sexual interest that is causing distress, do not ignore it. Seek consultation from experts. There are solutions available to resume a gratifying intimate relationship again!

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